posted on 2021-07-20, 15:37authored byChiara Crestani, Taya L. Forde, Samantha J. Lycett, Mark A. Holmes, Charlotta Fasth, Karin Persson Waller, Ruth N. Zadoks
Supplementary Material for ‘The fall and rise of group B Streptococcus in dairy cattle: reintroduction due to human-to-cattle host jumps?’ as published in Microbial Genomics.
This work was funded by the University of Glasgow College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences Doctoral Training Programme 2017-2021 (to CC). TF was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Discovery Fellowship (FORDE/BB/R012075/1). SL was supported by a University of Edinburgh Chancellor’s Fellowship and the BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme Grant: Control of Infectious Diseases BBS/E/D/20002173 to the Roslin Institute. MAH was funded by Medical Research Council awards MR/P007201/1 and MR/N002660/1.