Complex evolutionary history of photosynthesis in Bradyrhizobium
Supplementary material for 'Complex evolutionary history of photosynthesis in Bradyrhizobium', as described in Microbial Genomics.
Supplementary material contains 33 supplementary figures and 4 supplementary tables. Supplementary Figure S1 is a comparison of the photosynthesis gene cluster (PGC) identified in Bradyrhizobium and close relatives; Supplementary Figure S2 includes a comparison of the genes flanking the PGC in Bradyrhizobium and close
relatives; Supplementary Figure S3 is a maximum-likelihood phylogeny of Bradyrhizobium genus; Supplementary Figures S4.1-4.29 are individual phylogenies of photosynthesis genes and Supplementary Figure S5 is an ancestral state reconstruction of the PGC in Bradyrhizobium. Supplementary Table S1 includes the genome information of strains investigated in this study; Supplementary Table S2 contains the gene functions of photosynthesis genes; Supplementary Table S3 focuses on the gene functions of flanking genes and lastly Supplementary Table S4 which is an excel table containing the posterior probability values from the ancestral reconstruction phylogeny which corresponds to the Supplemenatary Figure S5.